I-V 10-19, VI 10-17, VII 10-15
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Valitse Tuoksusi 👈
Vierastilausten seuranta 🔎
📍 Algirdo g. 85, Vilnius
📍 Ateities g. 91, Vilnius
📍 Strēlnieku iela 4B-48, Rīgā
📍 Jonavos g. 60, Kaunas - PC River Mall
Tasuta saatmine EL-is ostudele üle 100 EUR + KINGITUSED!
Kaikki myydyimmät
Eau de Parfum (EDP)
100 ml
Rikas, runsas, suloisen virkistävä itämaisilla aiheilla. Todella kuninkaallinen tuoksu.
Tämä hajuvesi on tuoksultaan ja ulkonäöltään täydellinen naiselle.
"Yaqeen" on elegantin naisen arvoinen hajuvesi, täynnä salaisuuksia. Raikas tuoksu hedelmäisillä vivahteilla.
Tämä tuoksu on valmis olemaan kanssasi kuumana kesäpäivänä.
Tuoksussa on hedelmiä, mandariinia, jasmiinia, ylang-ylangia, vaniljaa, santelipuuta ja valkoista myskiä.
Alkutuoksu: hedelmäinen, mandariini.
Sydäntuoksu: jasmiini, ylang-ylang, vanilja.
Pohjatuoksu: santelipuu, valkoinen myski.
MARABIKA-hajuvedet ovat alkuperäisiä Yhdistyneiden arabiemiirikuntien valmistajia ja vastaavat täysin kuvissa esitettyjä .
2023-06-09 13:02:02
Ļoti patīkams, piesātināts atomāts. Pistācijas, kanēlis labi jūtami. Paldies
Ana Blanco
2023-10-07 13:31:20
This was my very first time buying from your web and I could not be happier with this purchase. I bought the extremely viral Hareem Al Sultan Gold Oil in this web because this was the only one I found that would send my order to my address(I ordered all the way from Spain). To be honest I was a bit worried because I knew there are so many fake ones out there and I was scared that this was going to be also a scam but when I received the package and opened it I inmediatly knew how wrong I was. The smell... That smell that everyone were talking about for how good it was, I had it -finally- in my hands and I couldnt be happier. It is fruity, sweet, citrusy... And I know sweet perfumes can be like... too much some times but in this case it is sweet but in the best way possible. I am CERTAIN that this is the best purchase I did this year and the BEST perfume I've ever smelled, so that so that I EVEN WEAR IT TO SLEEP! Since my best friend also loves sweet perfumes and this is a quite unexpensive one I sent her the link to this website so that she can also buy it and most importantly ENJOY this WORK OF ART. Thank you Marabika, you really really impressed me in the best way possible. PS: I loved the way you packaged my orded, loved the perfumed box, the free samples with the names of the perfumes and the sweet treat. You guys are the best. I promise I'll be repurchasing again from your website. Best regards.
Birute T.
2024-09-18 17:01:03
Puikus kvapas.